Process Bag Filter
(Conventional Pulse Jet Technology)
CLAIR has supplied Process Bag filters based on Pulse Jet technology for various industries and across different applications. Pulse jet bag filters get their name from the short pulses of compressed air used to clean the filter bags.
In the pulse jet bag filter, the dust is collected on the external surface of the filter bag where a dust cake is formed. Either on the basis of pressure drop across the bag filter or on timed basis, cleaning sequence is triggered which operates the solenoid valves releasing compressed air. The pulse of compressed air is released into the interior of the filter bags, one row at a time. Each row of pulse pipes will contain several filter bags there by several filter bags are cleaned at a time. When compressed air is released, the air knocks the dust and dust cake free of the filter bag. The dust falls via gravity into the hopper for removal. Venturi is located at the top of each filter bag, which creates pressure gradient when the compressed air passes. This helps in drawing more secondary air for cleaning purposes.
Advantages of Bag Filter
The fundamental advantage of pulse jet bag filter is its ability to clean the filter bags online (cleaning during filtration). The duration of the pulse of compressed air used for cleaning is typically in the range of 100 to 200 milli seconds, effectively facilitating 24/7 operations without interruption to the ventilation of dirty air and no shut-down period to clean the bag filters.
The pulse jet bag filter is versatile in terms of the range of temperatures, pressures, and gas stream chemistries with which it finds application. Clair pulse jet bag filters are designed with various combinations in order to suit the application needs.
Secondary Fume Extraction Systems (SFES) in:
A boiler or Steam Generator (prime mover) is an integral device in a fossil fuel power plant used to produce steam by applying heat energy to water. A boiler incorporates a furnace in order to burn the fossil fuel (coal, gas, waste etc.) and generate heat which is transferred to water to make steam. Depending on the type of boiler and the flue gas composition, the Process Bag Filter is designed.
Process Filters form part of Fume & Dust Extraction System for Induction Furnace. It is required to control the resultant air pollution control by extraction fumes through hood. The extracted fumes and gases (often flame laden) are taken away to ID Fans, Air Pollution treatment and Control systems.
Zero Effluent Discharge has been a concern for clean environment and the Pollution Control Board has mandated distilleries to achieve the zero discharge. Process Bag filters are used extensively to control fumes / gases after the incineration of spent wash.
Our indigenously evolved cleaning technology for long bag filters means tighter compliance with regulations while also offering the flexibility to retrofit or upgrade to minimize on cost without compromising on performance.
Knowing the process and OWPC applications in various industries
Our Fabric filters high efficiency equipment that offers high removal of finer particulates. In designing a fabric filter unit, main consideration would be the type of filter cloth, method of cleaning and pressure drop. However, process parameters like particulate characteristics, carrier gas characteristics and process factors form the basis in selection of fabric filters. The fabric filter systems are frequently referred to as bag houses or bag filters, since the fabric is usually configured in cylindrical “bags”.
Our key considerations while designing Process Bag Filters:
One of our Kiln Process Bag filters at a plant near Raipur, India
Process Bag Filter installation at a Sugar plant in November, 2016.